Our litters
Litter San

6 Japanese Bobtails - Born 08/26/2021
Parented by KawaiiKats Taiga Aisaka and Kaiitos Keiko of Nudawnz, these kittens are the newest members of the KawaiiKats household. They have moved from the birthing box to a comfy kitty bed, and have begun scuffling with each other when they aren't taking part in the milk bar.
This litter had 2 girls and 4 boys - OneSpot (LH), Hotaru (SH), Takeshi (SH), Hakuzosu (SH), Sora (SH) and Meeks(LH).
Litter Ni
4 Longhaired Japanese Bobtails - Born 4/30/2020
Sired by the lovely CH Thatsdapoint’s Kioku of NuDawnz, better known as Leroy, Houkousei's litter was born on 4/30/2020. All of these kittens have lovely homes waiting for them!
She has graced us with 3 boys and 1 girl. From left:
Momo - Female Mi-ke - Not Available
Snowflake - Male High White with a Blue tail and Green eyes
Earboi - Male Blue and White and Blue eyes
Snowball - Male High White with a Blue tail and Blue eyes

Litter Ichi

4 Longhaired Japanese Bobtails - Born 10/1/2019
Sired by the lovely CH Thatsdapoint’s Kioku of NuDawnz, better known as Leroy, Taiga's first litter was born on 10/1/2019.
The kittens, from left to right:
Zorro, brown patterned and white - This boy definitely didn't fall far from the tree! He adopted Taiga's spitfire attitude, but loves being held by Jennifer!
Pumpkin, red patterned and white - This girl has been a snugglebunny since birth, normally found curled up on Tyler's lap, or on the back of the couch with a paw on either of our shoulders!
Tama, patterned mi-ke - By far, the quietest and most independent of the litter, she prefers cuddling with her siblings and snoozing in random places.
Kassi, patterned mi-ke - Speaking of spitfires, this lovely girl always has something to say, and makes sure you hear it! She's an independent kitten, who loves to wrestle her siblings and momma.